Saturday, March 25, 2023

a story of my mother

    My mother grew up in Lake Village, Arkansas. The lake was one of those long fingers of the Mississippi that was left behind by the river. She was the preacher's daughter. She was probably 4 or 5 when this happened, putting it in the mid to late 1930s.

     It was some church function and it was time to eat. My mother came into a room with a tray of fruits and such. She heard a woman say, "That's the preacher's daughter." A second woman said, "Oh. Not very p-r-e-t-t-y, is she?" And my mother said,  "I may not be p-r-e-t-t-y, but I am s-m-a-r-t", and left the room.

Friday, March 17, 2023

My Music

 Of course you can't write about everything all at once, unless you're Lao Tzu or Wittgenstein. So I'll start with some lists. Here's a list of all the albums I've had a hand in. All but the 1st 2 earthalien albums I produced as well, either by myself or with Arnold Bodmer's help, thanks to digital technology.




    Your Next Dream


    Make Peace with the World

    Grace Period

Solid Ghost:

    Normal Musik


    Disconcerto no.1

    Indigo Children

    Alpaca Caca

Rampant Egos:

    Tweak of Nature



    Road to Nowhere

    Ancient Circuits

    Happy Horse and the Shark

    Live at the Roost

    Egometry 2012

    Laser Cannons


    Songs in the Key of Me

    Tarantula Downpour

    The New Equilibrium

    The Dark Ages

    Primordial Goo

    Zombie Apocalypse

    Avant Garden

    Preaching to the Choir

     The Mystery of Uncertainty

The Rampant Egos Conspiracy:

    Fallen Devils

"Sleepless" Justin Parker:

    Stop That Thing: Music of Sleepy John Estes



Thursday, March 9, 2023

too much to say

Having too much to say is a bad reason for not writing. 

Also, a talent for procrastination renders all other talents inoperable.